Coffee Machine Services


Coffee Machine Technologies carry a wide range and substantial quantity of coffee machines. We require to do this as the demand from our customers/market place require the expedite availability of all types of machines.

Our positioning within the industry also allows us to offer the most competitive price to all customers. Again, because of our strength within the industry, CMT have a significant number of spare parts on-hand covering all early models to the latest technology models.

This enables our sales team to confidently approach the market place knowing that stocks are high. Similarly, our technicians are able to provide a consistent and timely turnaround of repairs, having all spare parts available to them on hand.


Coffee Machine Technologies also offer the opportunity for customers to have a refurbishment performed on their machines as an alternative to buying a brand new machine. The machine will be transformed from its current tired, used condition to a new looking machine housing a total overhaul of all its internal parts and electronics, resulting in substantial cost savings to the user.

There is also the option to have the body customised to you choice of colours and design. Speak to our Sales team for further information.


Coffee Machine Technologies has also established a highly sophisticated and extensive Research and Development division. This allows our electronic technicians to develop ‘cutting edge’ technologies for the coffee industry. The R & D department is equipped with the latest electronic and digital diagnostics tools and equipment.

John and his team have many years of electronics experience in the industry and are all qualified to diagnose all electronic componentries. John and his team will provide the industry with the technology solutions at their request.

Does your coffee machine need a service?